
Showing posts from June, 2018

Questions about a Sex Crime?

Simply being charged with a sexual offense can damage your reputation. Being convicted of a sex crime will affect your life for many years. In addition to a jail or prison sentence, you may be required to register as a sex offender, which has lifelong consequences. You may have trouble finding work and maintaining a relationship with your family.

Relief from a Criminal Conviction (2017 edition)

Welcome to Relief from a Criminal Conviction: A Digital Guide to Expunctions, Certificates of Relief, and Other Procedures in North Carolina. This web-based guide, recipient of the Margaret Taylor Writing Award from the School of Government, explains in one place the principal mechanisms available in North Carolina for obtaining relief from a criminal conviction. It supplements the School’s Collateral Consequences Assessment Tool, C-CAT, an online tool enabling users to identify the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in North Carolina. The guide includes changes made by the General Assembly through the end of its 2017 legislative session. Note: The guide provides links to North Carolina statutes on the General Assembly’s website, which does not yet incorporate all of the 2017 statutory changes. Read More: Questions:

Drug Possession?

Many people needlessly plead guilty to drug possession when the case would not hold up in court. Attorney Baker can defend you against any drug charge and aggressively investigate your case. She goes beyond most attorneys when it comes to thoroughness and preparation.


When faced with a speeding ticket, most people have the impulse to simply pay it off and avoid court. Other people choose to ignore it and not come to court. Neither of these is a safe approach. You should talk to an attorney before pleading guilty to any traffic offense, and you shouldn't let that citation sit too long before action.